Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Did APEC move?
Yes! APEC has moved into our brand new LEED certified building. You can find APEC's animals and programs at 229-10 Northern Boulevard, Douglaston, NY 11362. Check our contact page for directions and more information.
Q. I found an animal that needs rescue or rehabilitation...
Unfortunately, APEC is not a licensed rehabilitator and cannot take in injured or orphaned wildlife. It is best to call 311 or an animal rescue facility. A full list of animal rehabilitators can be found here:
Q. I would like to visit the facility! What is the cost? Where is there parking? What are your hours?
We are excited that you are interested in visiting APEC! We have no admission rate, but are donations are appreciated! The average cost per person per APEC visit is $15. The suggested donation is $5 per person.
The building is open 7 days a week, except for major holidays. Monday - Friday, APEC is open to the public from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and we have varying hours on the weekend. Call ahead if coming in on a weekend. Walking trails are open from dawn to dusk, year ‘round.
There is FREE PARKING available at our site, although parking can be limited. We suggest carpooling or using public transportation when possible.
Q. Can I ride my bike on the trails? Can I bring my pet?
We do not have trails specific for bikes, but you are welcome to ride here. Bike paths are limited. There are bike racks available to lock your bike around the building.
You are welcome to bring your pet as long as they are leashed on the trails, but your furry friends are, unfortunately, not allowed in the building.
Q. Is there wheelchair accessibility?
Our building is wheelchair accessible as are some of our trails. While you’re in the park, you may stop in to ask staff for directions and guidance.
Q. I would like to donate an item or an animal...
Donations are accepted on a case by case basis. Please do not bring donations or animals directly to APEC without speaking to a Senior staff member to confirm if we can accept the donation. Thank you for calling before coming. Please note: We do not accept red-eared slider turtles.
Q. Can I access the other parts of Alley Pond Park?
The park is fragmented by the highways and are not all accessible from APEC. Please check our homepage for a map or visit the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Alley Pond Park webpage here for information. This includes information on the Adventure Course.